21 research outputs found

    Implementation of Logical Functions in the Game of Life

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    The Game of Life cellular automaton is a classical example of a massively parallel collision-based computing device. The automaton exhibits mobile patterns, gliders, and generators of the mobile patterns, glider guns, in its evolution. We show how to construct basic logical perations, AND, OR, NOT in space-time configurations of the cellular automaton. Also decomposition of complicated Boolean functions is discussed. Advantages of our technique are demonstrated on an example of binary adder, realized via collision of glider streams

    Artificiality in Social Sciences

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    This text provides with an introduction to the modern approach of artificiality and simulation in social sciences. It presents the relationship between complexity and artificiality, before introducing the field of artificial societies which greatly benefited from the computer power fast increase, gifting social sciences with formalization and experimentation tools previously owned by "hard" sciences alone. It shows that as "a new way of doing social sciences", artificial societies should undoubtedly contribute to a renewed approach in the study of sociality and should play a significant part in the elaboration of original theories of social phenomena.artificial societies; multi-agent systems; distributed artificial intelligence; complexity

    Open access : toward a new economic model of scholarly publications

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    Working paper serie RMT (WPS 05-01)The mean price of scholarly journals is now three times higher than it was in the mid-1980s. In the meantime, the development of Internet and of informal exchanges between researchers progressively led to the Open Access Initiative which aims at freely disseminating scientific publications. This article introduces to the consequences of this evolution and presents the path toward a new economic model of scholarly publicatio

    Artificiality in Social Sciences

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    This text provides with an introduction to the modern approach of artificiality and simulation in social sciences. It presents the relationship between complexity and artificiality, before introducing the field of artificial societies which greatly benefited from the computer power fast increase, gifting social sciences with formalization and experimentation tools previously owned by "hard" sciences alone. It shows that as "a new way of doing social sciences", artificial societies should undoubtedly contribute to a renewed approach in the study of sociality and should play a significant part in the elaboration of original theories of social phenomena.Comment: 14 page

    Les spécificités de la communauté francophone d’enseignant-chercheurs en Système d’information en termes de prestige des revues et de publications

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    To respond to the identity crisis of the Information Systems (IS) disciple and agreeing with Hirsheim and Klein (2003), we believe that a “reflective analysis” can contribute to a favorable evolution of the discipline. Within the French-speaking community, such reflec- tive analysis is needed to evaluate the journals in the IS field and their rankings in order to understand the production of the French-speaking researchers. The publishing process (how and where?) are fundamental components of the identity of the French-speaking community, as it reflects the community’s value systems, paradigms, cultural practices, sys- tems of valuation, organizational structure and aspirations. This article analyzes the results of a scientometric study conducted on the Information Systems journals, targeting the French-speaking academic community. Unsurprisingly, Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ), which is considered the most presti- gious journal in the IS world community, is also the most prestigious journal in the French- speaking community. In addition, this study allows us to rank the most prestigious journals from the point of view of French-speaking community. It shows a strong polarization of French researchers, unlike their colleagues in Quebec, toward publishing largely in jour- nals whose the main editor-in-chief is or was European

    Erratum to: Scaling up strategies of the chronic respiratory disease programme of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (Action Plan B3: Area 5)

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    Simulation, modélisation et décision: en pratique

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    Avec l'explosion de la puissance informatique, le grand public dispose dĂ©sormais d'outils aptes Ă  rĂ©soudre des problĂšmes complexes, auparavant hors de portĂ©e des non-spĂ©cialistes. Le tableur notamment est particuliĂšrement adaptĂ© Ă  la modĂ©lisation et Ă  la simulation de nombre de problĂšmes quotidiens de dĂ©cision. En parallĂšle, le dĂ©cideur est confrontĂ© Ă  un environnement en Ă©volution rapide, oĂč la dĂ©cision Ă©clairĂ©e est une condition de succĂšs. Face Ă  une avalanche de donnĂ©es, il est le plus souvent amenĂ© Ă  sĂ©lection intuitivement celles qui sont susceptibles de l'aide Ă  anticiper les consĂ©quences de ses dĂ©cisions. Cet ouvrage se propose de prĂ©senter les principale mĂ©thodes d'aide Ă  la dĂ©cision et d'en montrer la mise en oeuvre avec le tableur. D'une difficultĂ© progressive, l'ouvrage introduit Ă  la modĂ©lisation e Ă  la simulation pour la dĂ©cision avant de prĂ©senter les outils dĂ©diĂ©s Ă  diffĂ©rents types de problĂšmes (prĂ©vision, optimisation, thĂ©orie des jeux, arbres de dĂ©cision, files d'attente, etc.). Chacun des domaines est introduit par une prĂ©sentation thĂ©orique dont les Ă©lĂ©ments mathĂ©matiques plus avancĂ©s sont traitĂ©s Ă  part, afin que la lecture n'en soit pas indispensable pour la mise en oeuvre des modĂšles. On montre ensuite Ă  travers des exemples concrets comment implĂ©menter les outils correspondants avec un tableur (Excel, OpenOffice ou Gnumeric). Le lecteur disposera ainsi d'une boĂźte Ă  outils qu'il pourra aisĂ©ment rĂ©utiliser dans son propre contexte. Les exemples seront Ă©galement disponibles sur le site web associĂ© au livre. On y trouvera en outre des vidĂ©os de capture d'Ă©cran montrant les diffĂ©rentes manipulations rĂ©alisĂ©es avec le tableur. Cet ouvrage est destinĂ© aux Ă©tudiants en sciences de gestion et en sciences sociales (Ă©conomie, sociologie), aux dĂ©cideurs en entreprise (dirigeants et cadres), et aux Ă©lĂšves-ingĂ©nieurs ayant Ă  suivre un module de dĂ©cision

    Les spĂ©cificitĂ©s de la communautĂ© francophone d'enseignant-chercheurs en SystĂšme d’information en termes de prestiges des revues et de publications.

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    To respond to the identity crisis of the Information Systems (IS) disciple and agreeing with Hirsheim and Klein (2003), we believe that a "reflective analysis" can contribute to a favorable evolution of the discipline. Within the French-speaking community, such reflective analysis is needed to evaluate the journals in the IS field and their rankings in order to understand the production of the French-speaking researchers. The publishing process (how and where?) are fundamental components of the identity of the French-speaking community, as it reflects the community’s value systems, paradigms, cultural practices, systems of valuation, organizational structure and aspirations.This article analyzes the results of a scientometric study conducted on the Information Systems journals, targeting the French-speaking academic community. Unsurprisingly, Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ), which is considered the most prestigious journal in the IS world community, is also the most prestigious journal in the French-speaking community. In addition, this study allows us to rank the most prestigious journals from the point of view of French-speaking community. It shows a strong polarization of Frenchresearchers, unlike their colleagues in Quebec, toward publishing largely in journals whose the main editor-in-chief is or was European, English indeed.Face Ă  ce qui est souvent prĂ©sentĂ© comme une crise d’identitĂ© du domaine des SystĂšmes d’information (SI) et en accord avec Hirsheim et Klein (2003), nous pensons qu’un panorama international des publications faisant ressortir les spĂ©cificitĂ©s « locales » peut contribuer Ă  une Ă©volution favorable. A l’intĂ©rieur de la communautĂ© francophone, une telle analyse est nĂ©cessaire pour Ă©valuer les revues du domaine et leurs classements de maniĂšre Ă  avoir une idĂ©e de la production des chercheurs francophones. Les processus de publication (oĂč et comment ?) sont des composants fondamentaux de l’identitĂ© de cette communautĂ© francophone, car ils reflĂštent ses systĂšmes de valeurs, ses paradigmes, ses pratiques culturelles, ses systĂšmes de valorisation, sa structure d’organisation et ses aspirations.Cet article analyse les rĂ©sultats d’une Ă©tude scientomĂ©trique conduite sur les revues en SystĂšmes d’information, ciblant la communautĂ© acadĂ©mique francophone. Sans surprise, Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ) qui est considĂ©rĂ©e comme la revue la plus prestigieuse dans la communautĂ© mondiale des SI, apparaĂźt Ă©galement en tĂȘte dans la communautĂ© francophone. Au-delĂ , cette Ă©tude nous permet d’identifier et classer les revues les plus prestigieuses aux yeux des auteurs francophones. Elle montre Ă©galement la forte polarisation des chercheurs français qui, Ă  la diffĂ©rence de leurs collĂšgues quĂ©bĂ©cois, publient massivement dans SIM ou plus particuliĂšrement dans des revues ayant ou ayant eu des Ă©diteurs en chef europĂ©ens